This project deals with the integration of Street art in a neighborhood and how art can be a part of an architectural concept.
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What does “living” mean in the actual context of dealing with natural resources, space shortages and individualism? The notion of hous(e)ing (house/housing) is translated here with the concept of combining the comfort of the individual house with the benefit of compact housing. So, the boundaries of the notions collective and individual are blurred.
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This project deals with heritage and the foundations of what Luxembourg was built on, the steel industry. Giving a new sense to the old vestiges is keeping the memory alive without falling in nostalgia but encouraging new opportunities.
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The senses have been in the center of the projects concept. The pavilion catches people at the entrance and pulls the visitors in, to a trip through Luxembourg.
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This project deals with heritage and the foundations of what Luxembourg was built on, the steel industry. Giving a new sense to the old vestiges is keeping the memory alive without falling in nostalgia but encouraging new opportunities.
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What does “living” mean in the actual context of dealing with natural resources, space shortages and individualism? The notion of hous(e)ing (house/housing) is translated here with the concept of combining the comfort of the individual house with the benefit of compact housing. So, the boundaries of the notions collective and individual are blurred.
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